TCK Information

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TCK Biographical Information

Seminar Guidelines and Personal Commitments

Basic Seminar Guidelines & My Personal Commitment: There are very few rules during the ReEntry Seminar, but it is helpful for you to understand what is expected as you participate in the program. We have found that MKs gain the most from the seminar and enjoy it most by observing certain guidelines. We ask you to respect the experience and wisdom of those in leadership by reading their guidelines below and following them carefully.

Guideline 1:  On-time attendance is required at all scheduled activities and sessions, on or off campus.

Guideline 2:  The dorm lounge is open to both guys and girls throughout the seminar. It is not permissible to be in the dorm room of someone of the opposite gender.

Guideline 3:  No one is to leave the dormitory between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am. Proper rest is a real key to getting the most out of the seminar. During free times between sessions you are free to go off campus to nearby coffee shops, for example, but you must inform seminar staff where you will be and how long you will be gone, in case we need to contact you.

Guideline 4:  Friends and relatives are welcome to visit the campus on Sunday afternoon. Due to the nature of the program, family and friends are asked to limit their visits to that time only.

Guideline 5:  Tobacco, drugs, and alcoholic beverages are not to be brought to campus or used during the seminar.

Guideline 6:  To enable you to get the most out of being with other TCKs and benefit from their support, we ask you to refrain from watching movies or streaming shows throughout the duration of the seminar. We will have a movie night and plenty of fun throughout the program.

Guideline 7:  Cell phones are permitted. We ask that you use them appropriately and not during sessions.

Guideline 8:  Exercise care for the furniture, bathroom fixtures, and grounds. The university will impose charges for negligent damage.

I promise to clean my room before leaving, which includes checking for belongings, stripping my bed and placing linens in the bag Biola provides, and placing all trash in bins.

You will be dealing with the realities of being a responsible adult within a few weeks of ReEntry. Your name entered below will be accepted as your signature and will indicate your personal commitment to follow these guidelines. We look forward to your full cooperation and willing participation at the seminar.

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